Wednesday, 22 March 2017

GDs fun blogs

 GD world book day๐Ÿ“š

world book day has just been and we have all had fun at whalley school. mrs P dressed up as mr twit and miss T dressed up as cat in the hat wich was very funny! i dressed as the mad hatter. my best friends came as fantastic mrfox,nicki out of dork dairies,naughtiest girl in school and a friendly dinisour funny right ๐Ÿ˜‚

HI my name is TB and im dowing it about red noes day 

Red noes day is a charty for pepole in need and when you by a noes you give  60p to the charty and helps them with food and water its a pound to get a noes red noes day is on the 25th of march
ther 10 noes and thers a limted edishon noes called francin stine the ultra rer noes Help the chartey today 

world book day zs


first Mr beety drest in a Pecachoo wonsy but when he put the orang mustash on he looked like the Lorax and he was it was so funy and there were uther things like harry potter and Bilbo begins

Red nose day 


Image result for cat in the hatOn Thursday the second of march, world book day, we came into school dressed up as charecters from a book. The teachers dressed up to, Miss Tindle dressed up as Cat in the hat and Mr Beatie dressed up as the lorax whiched actually looked like pikachu I came as thing 1 my twin sister dressed up as thing 2 we were Miss Tindle's little helpers!!!
We got sticks and made them into wands, and then we got lollipops sticks and made them into bookmarks ๐Ÿญ.

List of people dressed up!!!

Sw dressed up as Frodo Baggins,
Sp was Cat Woman,
Zs was Bilbo Baggins,
Tb was Captin Smith,
Sa dressed up as Harry Potter,
Rc dressed up as Willy Wonker and
Ad was Percey Jackson and the Lighting thief!!!

Red nose day M.T.

Image result for red noses 2017                                                         These are the names of the red noses.                                                   .sniffer                                                                                                 

Saturday, 18 March 2017

                                                              RED NOSE DAY XW


All around the world people raise some money for children with no homes and that don't have any money. So whalley school raised ยฃ300.

Thursday, 9 March 2017


                        KGM WORLD BOOK



This BLOG is about WORLD BOOK DAY. We may celebrate this day differently than others, lets go and find out! WATCH THIS FUN CLIP!  Are school celebrates World book day by ......

. Dressing up as there book character 

. If you want to bring the book you can

. Arts and Crafts 

We Celebrate WORLD BOOK DAY on the 2ND of March.๐Ÿ˜‰  What are Class did first       was Wand making. We made the wands with Colored String and foil. Then we drew PICTURES of Hogwarts School for Witches and Wizardry. After that, We went into the hall and Did a FASHION WALK . Surprisingly, for PE we did ... QUIDDITCH! The red team won, some people  wore... A dinosaur from a non-fiction book, HORRID HENRY, Boy in the dress , Wheres wally, Emma off miss Peregrines home for peculiar children.        THANK-YOU FOR


