Wednesday, 8 March 2017

World Book Day HA

Welcome to my blog about world book day. You will learn about different costumes that some people were wearing and how world book day originated. You will learn not only this but lots more.

In the United Kingdom, world book    together it makes UNESCO. 
day only started on the 23rd of April  
in 1995 and that was the first time in  
the United Kingdom.                            Mr Beattie was dressed up as
                                                              the Lorax but everybody 
                                                                                             thought he was Pikachu
World book day is a celebration for     from Pokemon. HB was
authors, illustrators, books and also     dressed up as Willy Wonka
it's a celebration for reading!!               from Charlie And The
World book day is in over 100             Chocolate Factory. BK and
countries in the world and it was          I were dressed up as        
designated by The United Nations       The Boy In The Dress and
Educational, Scientific and Cultural    everybody thought we
Organisation which if you put it          were really stupid and
                                                              really funny!.